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Thursday, July 1, 2010

Where Will LeBron Go?

The LeBron James sweepstakes has begun. Where will he end up is anyone's guess. That he will make a lot of money wherever he goes is not a question. According to reports on ESPN, he is planning to meet with two teams a day until he makes his decision. He met with the Nets and Heat today already.

LeBron James wants one thing, to win. He will make a lot of money no matter where he goes, so he isn't as concerned with that as he is a ring, if you believe comments he's made in the media. The hiring of Byron Scott to be the coach of the Cavaliers puts an interesting wrinkle into this whole situation. Who wouldn't feel bad for the new coach if LeBron goes elsewhere? Talk abut missing the boat...

The Cavs can win, they are built to win, but they need him to do it. The Knicks can sign two top level free agents, reports suggest they are targeting Bosch and James. The Nets can also sign two as well. The Heat can sign all three, so can the Bulls, according to various reports. The Cavs are serious about winning, they are serious because they need to show that to keep the most popular player in the league who also happens to be the most important player in the history of their franchise.

Of course this, just like any other report, is pure speculation. the only guy who knows what he wants to do is the man himself. Maybe he just wants the Cavs to sweat it out. He's from Akron, Cleveland is his town. Though he is a huge fan of Michael Jordan and New York; and close friends with Jay-z (part of the Nets ownership group), he might just decide to stay home for a few more years. It's not like this will be the last FA contract he signs.

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