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Friday, June 25, 2010

NFL QB Mark Brunell to File Chapter 11

Mark Brunell, most recently the backup quarterback for the Super Bowl champion New Orleans Saints, has told the Florida Times Union he is filing for bankruptcy protection after multiple bad real estate investments.

In his long and productive career spanning 17 seasons and 4 teams he has earned over $52 million. His most success came as the starter for the Jacksonville Jaguars from 1995 until the third game of the 2003 season. He made the pro bowl 3 times (96, 97 & 99) and led the Jaguars to the AFC title game in 96 and 99, losing both times.

During his time with the Jaguars he formed Champion LLC, a real estate partnership, with then Jaguars players Joel Smeenge and Todd Fordham. The properties they invested in during the height of the real estate bubble did not retain their values when it burst and the partnership faced multiple lawsuits over loan defaults.

Brunell kept the partnership afloat making loan payments from his personal funds in hopes they could reach a resolution with creditors. He told the Times Union via email: "The timing of the group’s real estate acquisitions at the height of the real estate market, in hindsight, clearly was not good...In the end, we couldn’t and I am no longer able to shoulder this burden.”

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